Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers Shares Common Car Accident Injuries And Treatments: Part 2

In part one of this blog series, our Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers team shared some statistics (published by the Department of Public Safety) about the overwhelming number of car accidents and injuries that occurred in Oklahoma during 2015 (the last reported year so far). The results indicated that over 44,000 people were (and probably still are) in need of car accident care! We also shared the most common car accident injuries and some treatment options for car accident care.

Today, our Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers team would like to talk about two more of the most common injuries.

  • Brain Trauma: Second to whiplash, a concussion is a very popular car accident injury. The sudden blow to the head or an intense shaking of the head or upper body can leave a person with a plethora of problems. The dizziness, fatigue, memory loss, nausea, vomiting, and delayed response are all symptoms of a concussion. Other brain injuries may occur, which can cause ongoing migraines or chronic pain.

  • Spinal Damage: The most common spinal injuries usually involve fractured, dislocated, or crushed vertebrae. Injury to the spine after a car accident can lead to multiple problems, too. For example, a damaged spinal cord can lead to a person’s inability to control bladder or bowel movements, problems moving limbs, difficulty breathing, and loss of sensations.

These two common car accident injuries require patients to seek medical attention as soon as possible. The longer one waits, the worse ongoing pain may become. If you have been in an accident, our Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers team encourages you to seek out car accident care quickly!

Most patients have found relief with a personalized Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers treatment plan. The most common treatment is a series of injections to the appropriate location, which will allow the surrounding muscles and tissue to be relieved of pain. Within weeks after receiving car accident care, most patients notice a difference and are on the road to recovery.

If injections alone aren’t enough to get you back to feeling great, there may be some additional steps that our Oklahoma Pain Treatment Centers physicians will suggest. We offer chiropractic therapies, acupuncture, massage therapy, and psychological counseling.

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